Brindale Engineering

"So what's with Brindale Engineering?', I hear you ask!"  What has this long-time defunct company got to do with Park Royal Vehicles, Hayward, Biggs & Hill, Alfred Hill or for that matter transport history?  Well, nothing much, actually, except the images below might give a clue!  But there is a tenuous relationship, though I would hasten to add, as social history is what this website is actually about, I do not apologise for including a few pages on it.

But why is it here?  Those who delve deeper into this website may realise that whilst the site is accessed as "" or "" the site is actually held on a server with the domain name "", and that's a clue.  Well I have resurrected the name of Brindale as my hosting server's domain name because it is the company name that my maternal grandfather Benjamin Daniell and his brother Edmund chose to use for their one-time successful enterprise.  So, apart from social history, there are two connections; one is that Benjamin Daniell was Alfred Hill's father-in-law and the other is that Brindale did work for the motor manufacturer Armstrong Siddeley, so there is a motoring connection. There is also a tenuous connection with PRV via Handley Page as those that go on to read the Brindale Story will find out..

Brindale Engineering began shortly after WW1 as a three-man partnership. You may be interested in the more comprehensive story of Brindale that culminated in a furious argument between the brothers. I should add that I and my generation of the brothers' descendents known to me, accept these facts as historical events and do not cast aspersions on either of the brothers' behaviour.

But here I name-drop the celebrated Sir Malcolm Campbell and his Bluebird car as my grandfather did some panel beating repair work on the Bluebird whilst it was at Armstrong Siddeley's workshops for repair before the attempt on the world land speed record in 1935.

 Bluebird at the Armstrong Siddeley workshops
at Cricklewood.

Bluebird with Malcolm Campbell at the wheel.
  Benjamin Daniell is the man in the flat cap.