
I hope you will find something of interest at this site.

I have dedicated this website to my father Alfred Hill to recount his long career with PARK ROYAL VEHICLES where he became the designer draughtsman responsible for the famous London Transport ROUTEMASTER bus.

This website began after finding some long-lost photographs of buses in my father's collection of PRV and associated memorabilia.  I recall there being countless rolls of his drawings, blueprints & photographs in our attic, but he threw most of it away in the 80's thinking no one would ever be interested, and the collection was largely destroyed.  Therefore initially there wasn't much to display on the website.  However, over the years, some more material was discovered and, whilst I have now exhausted my father's collection of PRV and other memorabilia, many readers have kindly donated images and information allowing me to constantly enhance the site.

I'm always happy to receive new material so please to not hesitate to contact.  I trust that you find your visit worthwhile. 

Please navigate the site by clicking the links to the left.
Where pertinent, links will also be found within the pages.
All thumbnail images are 'clickable' for a larger image.
Thank you for visiting.

You may email me by clicking or my signature below.

All text photographs and images displayed on this website are copyright!

All original photographs and images are copyright their respective authors, acknowledged where known.  I reproduce these images in the trust that no one will take issue as this site is for nostalgic reasons and not for commercial gain.

Copyright © 1992-2023 Graham Hill - All rights reserved.

Commercial publication, copying, hiring, lending and reproduction is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of copyright.