Site Bulletin

May 2018

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Periodically, items of transient interest will be included here.


On May 25th the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) comes into force.  Whilst I am fully supportive of the intent of the GDPR and the unquestionable value of it in both privacy and data protection for users of online services, the obligations & responsibilities placed upon website operators are onerous and, although it is unclear as to what extent the GDPR applies, if at all, to non-commercial websites, I have decided it's too far reaching for those supporting informative websites such as this one.  For this reason, I have reluctantly made some changes to this website to avoid providing those features that could fall within the purview of the GDPR.

1. I will no longer support an email form as it is questionable whether the current functionality is GDPR compliant; but you can continue to email me via links on this website.

2. The current Guestbook is not GDPR compliant so, I am withdrawing the service.  However you can view Guestbook entries made prior to the GDPR.  My thanks to all previous contributors.  I will of course be pleased to receive emails containing guestbook-like comments and will display them wherever applicable. 

3. The Mailing list service has also been withdrawn as it is uncertain if the software used is GDPR compliant in the encryption of names & email addresses.  My thanks to all those who signed up for the service; I can only ask that my signees kindly visit the site periodically to check on new features of interest.  All signees' names & email addresses have been deleted.

This website does not use cookies.
This website is not-for-profit, is non-commercial and does not advertise any third party services.
